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UW Pediatrics

University of Washington Department of Pediatrics Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee

MissionJEDI committee

The University of Washington Department of Pediatrics JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Committee is committed to championing equity in all forms (including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socio-economic status, disability, age, religion, and history of immigration/displacement) for the faculty and staff of our department. Additionally, we are committed to advancing anti-racist actions and policies within our department and for the communities that we serve. We acknowledge that structures of racism, inequity, bias, and privilege exist within our department, and we commit to the investigation and disruption of these.

Strategic Aims

  1. COMMUNITY BUILDING: Building a community of support and inclusive environment for diverse and underrepresented faculty members and staff in the UW Department of Pediatrics
  2. TRAINING & SYSTEMIC CHANGE: Promoting equity and antiracism through training and systemic change including the development and support of policies, curricular, and educational initiatives.
  3. RECRUITMENT & RETAINMENT: Prioritizing recruitment and retention of underrepresented and diverse faculty members.
  4. MENTORSHIP: Promoting mentorship and sponsorship of medical trainees, particularly those from underrepresented or other minoritized identities.


The committee is chaired by Dr. Sabreen Akhter. The JEDI Committee’s work is sanctioned and supported by executive sponsors, Dr. Leslie Walker-Harding (Chair of the Dept of Pediatrics, SVP, CAO), Dr. Richard Shugerman (VC of Faculty Development), and Dr. Jason Deen (AVC of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion). Our members span the breadth of the Department of Pediatrics from every division and the SCRI, including faculty, fellows and staff.  Anyone in the Department (particularly those who identify as URiM, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, or who hold other minoritized identities) is encouraged to join the committee to take part in social events, quarterly meetings, and subcommittee work to advance our strategic priorities. Please email Dr. Sabreen Akhter for further inquiries.


The University of Washington Department of Pediatrics strives to support medical residents, fellows, and faculty who wish to attend conferences relevant to their histories and identities. The following are examples of some conferences that would qualify for budgetary support if a resident, fellow, or faculty wished to attend for the purposes of education, research dissemination, networking, or community building.


The following list of resources are continuously updated and are available to faculty in the UW Department of Pediatrics. These should be reviewed during faculty recruitment and at annual review meetings.

UW Department of Pediatrics
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Seattle Children’s Research Institute