Medical Student Site Directors

On the WWAMI Site Director–Job description, you will see the essential outline of what being a Site Director entails. All Site Directors are required to have a Clinical Faculty appointment in the University of Washington Department of Pediatrics.

All “Preliminary Final grade” forms must be entered into the evaluation system (E–Value) for all student rotations. All required student documentation will be uploaded into the Pediatric Tacker by the medical student.

Site directors educate staff about the Pediatric Goals and Objectives for the medical student program.

Site directors are responsible for making sure that site descriptions, directions, medical student information and that credentialing materials are kept current on the WWAMI Program medical student website.

Clinical faculty maintenance at your site is a year round task, not particularly a time consuming, but ongoing task. All new clinical faculty appointments can be submitted at any time, while, promotions and deletions only occur annually. (See Clinical Faculty Section).

Site Directors are required to attend the annual WWAMI Pediatric retreat, typically held in June each year. Every other year it is held in Seattle and the other years we are out to a training site area holding our retreat. if you are unable to attend, please contact the WWAMI Program Director to discuss alternatives.

Medical Student Site Coordinators have several roles and each site has an established routine for the coordination of Medical Students.

Some variations of site coordination are:

  1. A "dedicated site coordinator" – coordinates the student(s), orientation, compliance, evaluation, is the go to person for the day to day activities and assists the Site Director with input into the E–Value system.
  2. An "orientation coordinator" – coordinates the credentialing and does the opening day orientation and guides hospital compliance meetings.
  3. A "credentialing coordinator" – works directly with the student solely focused on meeting all credentialing issues of the site and hospital(s).
  4. A "evaluation coordinator" – tracks and monitors the mentors of a student, provides evaluations and tracks the return of evaluations.
  5. A "go to coordinator" – is able to answer questions about schedules, orientation, housing, etc. but is not responsible for conducting and may or may not be participating in orientation activities.
  6. A "exam coordinator" – provides the exam to the student and proctors it.
  7. A "go between" coordinator works with the WWAMI coordinator preparing things directly for the site director, but has no participation.
  8. A "No" coordinator – the site director takes all responsibility for all student materials, credentialing, orientation, questions, evaluations, exam and final grade submission and is the primary contact for all communications between the WWAMI Program staff.

While each site has it's own way, there is no right or wrong way to do this at each site.