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UW Pediatrics

Dr. Scott's Touching Retirement Party

A colleague sharing a story about his time with Dr. Scott

Congratulations to Dr. Ronald Scott on his retirement from UW Pediatrics. A heartwarming celebration of Dr. Scott’s career took place in Vista Café on June 22nd. Surrounded by his family, colleagues, patients, and friends, Dr. Scott was thanked countless times for saving many children's lives.

"My child was diagnosed with a rare, life-threatening metabolic disorder," shared Susan alongside her daughter Indie. "In that first appointment [Dr. Scott] said Indie is perfect, and we are going to keep her that way. Those were, and still are, some of the most comforting words we have ever heard."

Dr. Scott is a specialist in diagnosing and managing children and adults with inborn errors of metabolism. His work and dedication saved countless lives and inspired many to follow in his footsteps.

"Thanks in large part to your inspiration…I hope to continue down this path and one day work in pediatrics," shared Emily. "Your kindness, compassion, and dedication have made you an outstanding doctor, and I feel honored to have been one of your patients."

Dr. Scott served as a dedicated and passionate leader in Pediatrics at the University of Washington for 60 years. Congratulations to Dr. Scott on a very successful career and thank you for your many years of service to UW Pediatrics.