Temporary Pay Increases- Guidance for Managers

There are two types of temporary pay increases that can be utilized to pay staff for temporary additional duties.

Temporary Pay Increase (TPI)

  • Professional staff may receive a temporary pay increase (TPI) when temporarily assuming additional responsibilities for ten or more working days.
  • Must be at least 5% of current salary; max should not exceed 20%.

Temporary Salary Increase (TSI)

  • Classified non-union or contract classified staff may receive a temporary salary increase when assuming additional higher-level duties for a limited period of time.
  • Must be at least 5% of current salary; no higher than the maximum of the range for the higher classification.

Process to Request Temporary Pay Increase

  • Work with PedsHR@UW.edu to determine salary increase amount. Provide a detailed justification including the type of work to be done and dates assigned the additional duties.
  • HR will submit the request in Workday. Then, it will route for approvals via Compensation and ISC.
  • After the request has been approved in Workday, HR will send a notification to the employee and will cc the supervisor.


Temporary Pay Increase

  • Employee takes on additional duties to cover for another employee who is out on an extended leave (i.e., parental leave, medical leave).
  • Employees assume additional duties after another employee has resigned from their position. The TPI should run until the recruitment process has been completed.
  • An employee who works on a special project that requires only a few hours a week. A TPI should be determined based on the amount of work or hours that the project entails.

Temporary Salary Increase

Note: for classified staff, the amount must be “on step” of the higher classification. HR will work with the supervisor to determine the amount chosen. Examples below may contain amounts from previous years step tables. Top automatic steps do not include CEGP steps; CEGP increases and TSIs have different intent and purpose.

  • Fiscal Specialist 1 (SEIU 925) takes on the duties of Fiscal Specialist 2 while they are out on maternity leave. (Higher level duties – must not simply be additional duties within existing classification)
  • Program Coordinator (SEIU 925) takes over additional duties while the unit recruits a new Assistant to the Dean. Work with HR and budget management to determine the appropriate TSI rate within the Assistant to the Dean salary range.