Medical Student Program

The University of Washington School of Medicine has one of the most unique medical education programs in the nation. The program focuses on personalizing medical education for students and providing a deepening understanding of fundamental clinical skills and professionalism.

In 2019, the Department of Pediatrics was ranked 9th by U.S. News & World Report among Medical School Pediatric Departments twenty five consecutive times, and the School of Medicine was ranked #1 primary-care medical schools in the nation for 24 out of 26 years. The Department of Pediatrics and the School of Medicine are committed to providing the highest quality educational experience possible for its students.


Foundations Phase (18 months)

The Department invites medical students to complete a preceptorship in Pediatrics during their first or second year. Our Medical Student Office has a list of pediatric clinics in the Seattle area as well as specialists located at Seattle Children's Hospital.

The goals of the preceptorship include providing a mechanism for early patient contact and an opportunity to observe and practice doctor-patient communication, as well as learning about the practice of a particular specialty.

Patient Care Phase

Medical students in Pediatrics have the opportunity to do their core pediatrics rotation at one of eighteen sites via the nationally recognized WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho) program. Each site has unique features and provides students an opportunity to evaluate a wide variety of pediatric patients.

Every student completes the same core curricular cases, participates in observed physical examinations, completes cases on ethics and professionalism and takes a common final examination.

Pediatrics clerkship sites

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to fostering and sustaining a working, learning, and healing environment that is diverse, equitable and welcoming of all people. We value and honor diverse identities, experiences and perspectives, strive to create welcoming and respectful learning environments, and promote access, opportunity and justice for all. Fostering and sustaining this institutional culture is essential to fulfilling the core mission of UW Medicine to improve the health and wellbeing of the peoples and communities in our region, nation, and planet. 

Please find more information and resources related to the Department’s commitment and work for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Applications for the UW MD Program

For information from on how to apply to the UW MD Program, please visit UW Medicine’s MD Program Admissions webpages.

Contact Us

Our purpose is to provide you with time saving information that every medical student will need when learning to care for children during their education at the University of Washington.

Opportunities for you to explore the field of Pediatrics span all four years of your medical education at the University of Washington. We hope that each experience will build on the next helping you determine whether caring for infants, children, and adolescents will become part of your future career.


Director, Medical Student Program

Rebekah A. Burns, MD

Associate Professor Pediatric Medical Student Program Director, University of Washington Medical Student Site Director

Associate Program Director for Explore and Focus

Amy Dettori, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor Associate Director, Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Center Associate Pediatric Clerkship Director - Outpatient Core


Kristen Hayward, MD, MS

Associate Professor Associate Fellowship Program Director

Associate Program Director and Seattle Clerkship Inpatient Site Director

Abena Boateng Knight, MD

Clinical Professor Vice Chair of Education Associate Division Head

Associate Program Director for Explore and Focus Elective Clerkships

Emily Myers, MD

Clinical Associate Professor Fellowship Program Director

Associate Program Director, Career Advising Coordinator

Michelle Terry, MD

Clinical Professor Assistant Dean for URMS Career Development, UW School of Medicine